Adoptable Pups
Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown is a 13-14 yo 10 lb. male liver Shih Tzu. He is a SUPER sweet little guy that LOVES being with his people. He is the perfect lap buddy/couch potato for someone that is home all day and needs a snuggle buddy.
His full senior panel bloodwork is normal, HW/Lyme negative, brought UTD, chipped, and on March 16 he will get a dental and full body xray (to check things out). He will be ready for his new home that weekend March 18-19. He does have severe dry eye and will require Tacrolimus drops for life. This is medication that is special ordered by your vet and costs ~$40 – $50 per bottle. The OTC lubricating drops do not work for him so Tacrolimus will be a requirement of his adoption contact.
Charlie Brown is housebroken and also knows how to use potty pads. He was excellent at the vet and with everyone he meets. He has shown no interest in the other small breed pups in his foster home and does not appreciate the puppy trying to play with him. He is well-behaved in the home and in the car.
He loves meandering around the yard sniffing everything and would probably do well on short strolls.
He is a super senior that loves to sleep a lot and enjoys a quiet home environment. No young children visiting or living in the home.
– Name of dog(s) you are interested in adopting
– Your full name
– Full address
– Phone number
– Type home (house, condo, apt, etc.)
– Fenced-in yard details if any
– Ages of everyone living in household
– Work schedule of adults in household
– Ages of children visiting the home and frequency
– Current dogs in home: name, breed, size, and age
– If no current dogs, then your previous dogs (name, breed, age, what happened to them)
– How soon are you looking to adopt?
– How soon are you able to conduct a meet & greet in north NJ?
– Your Veterinary practice references including phone number (GIVE THEM PERMISSION TO SPEAK WITH US BEFORE SENDING THIS EMAIL)
We cannot accept phone calls and PLEASE give your vet office permission to speak with rescues if you are applying to adopt from any rescue. Ask them to mark your file. If they will not speak with me, I will move on to the next application and you will not be considered.
We consider out of area adoptions on a case-by-case basis. All meet & greets and adoptions are held in north New Jersey and we do not transport our pups. You must come to NJ. We also do not “hold” dogs. It is “first qualified, first come” and our expectation is you will move quickly to conduct the meet & greet if you are approved. An approved application does NOT guarantee adoption of any dog from our rescue.
– 13-14 yo. 10 lb. male liver Shih Tzu
– Sweet, shy and affectionate
– LOVES to be with his people
– No young children living or visiting the home
– Preferably only dog but can live with older and calm dogs
– Fenced in yard preferred
– Housebroken for outside and uses potty pads
– UTD, HW/Lyme negative, chipped, dewormed, blood work, xrays, dental, neutered
– Adoption fee is $600
Note: adoption fees are not negotiable. Our typical investment in our dogs is $1,200 and it goes up from there so our fees do not come close to covering what we spend. If you cannot afford an adoption fee, you should not be adopting any dog. They are expensive, especially these little seniors!
Start the Adoption Process Today
Submitting an application and proceeding through the application process does not guarantee adoption. We reserve the right to refuse adoption to anyone for any reason at any time during the process.